Help With Downloading Flash

Step-by-Step Instructions

Note: You may want to print this page to refer to as you go through the download and installation process.

If you don't have the Flash Player plug-in installed on your computer or know you need an updated version, follow Steps 1-7:

  1. Click on the Get Flash Player button below or type the URL into the address bar of your web browser to go to the Macromedia Flash Player download page:
    Get Macromedia Flash Player

  2. At the Flash Player Download Center page click on the "Download Now " button.
  1. The "Save As..." dialog box will automatically open (Figure 1), prompting you to select a location on your computer where the file ("flashplayer5installer.exe") will be saved. A typical place to save files is on your C: drive or on your computer's desktop, as in the example. To choose a different location, click the arrow next to "Save in" and select the drive and/or folder you prefer. Write down the location for later reference.

Figure 1

Save As dialog box


  1. Click "Save".

  2. Refer to the location you wrote down in Step 3 and locate the Flash Player file you just downloaded ("flashplayer5installer.exe"). If you saved the file to your Desktop, an Installer icon (Figure 2) will appear. Double-click on it.

Figure 2

Image of Flash Player Installer icon

  1. Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes to install Flash Player as a plug-in for your web browser.

  2. Your Web browser will launch a new window. When you see the Macromedia Flash Player movie playing, the installation is successful. Note: if you have trouble installing Flash Player, please review these troubleshooting tips.

Close this window.